Category / Knowledge Exchange and Impact Team

Knowledge Exchange & Innovation Funding Panel – call for Chair, Deputy Chair and Panel Members

The Knowledge Exchange and Innovation Funding Panel is responsible on behalf of the Research Performance and Management Committee (RPMC) for providing internal funding and support to ensure the University maximises opportunities for investing internal funds in projects that support knowledge exchange (KE) in line with the BU2025 Research Principles. 

We are seeking expressions of interest (EoIs) for the Chair, Deputy Chair and Panel members for the new panel. 

Chairs should be members of the Professoriate – this is extended to Associate Professors for the Deputy Chair role. Applications from underrepresented groups (minority ethnic, declared disability) are particularly welcome. 

EoIs for Panel members are open to the wider academic community, not just the Professoriate.

Application: EoIs will be reviewed against selection criterion which includes knowledge and experience of knowledge exchange, innovation and impact, experience of chairing meetings and plans for leading the research agenda across the university. 

EoIs for the Chair and Deputy Chair roles should consist of a short case (maximum length of one page) outlining suitability for the role. These should be submitted to the  KE & Innovation Fund mailbox by the deadline of 5pm on 23rd January 2023. 

EoIs for Panel member roles should consist of a short case (maximum length of half a page) outlining suitability for the role. These should be submitted to the  KE & Innovation Fund mailbox by the deadline of 5pm on 23rd January 2023. 

The successful candidates for the Chair and Deputy Chair roles will be required to attend an orientation meeting with Deputy VC Tim McIntyre-Bhatty on Thursday 9th March at 10am. 

Please note that applications for Panel members will be processed following the successful recruitment of the above role- this is likely to be after 6th March 2023. 

Full details are available here:

KE Innovation FP Chair and Deputy Chair role descriptor.docx

Process and criteria for KE Funding Recruitment.docx

KEI Panel Member Role Description.docx

Impact Planning with Saskia Gent – 18 January, 2023

Saskia Gent from Insights for Impact will be running an online workshop on January 18th from 13:00-15:00.

This interactive session is aimed at researchers at all stages of their careers who wish to plan for impact throughout the lifecycle of their project. Participants will learn how to build relationships and networks to inform research questions, identify impact goals and beneficiaries and develop relevant engagement activities.

By the end of the session, you will:
– know how to undertake stakeholder analysis
– be able to identify the different types of impact that may arise from your research
– be able to create a strategic plan to embed impact in your research from the start.

If you would like to attend the workshop, please email so that we can reserve your place. Places are limited so please register your interest as soon as possible.