The slides can be viewed on the Eco-innovation webpage.
Category / Research news
EU Biodiversity Strategy 2020 Published
The EC has presented a strategy to safeguard biodiversity and ecosystem services in the EU over the coming decade. There are six main targets and 20 actions outlined to achieve the goals of the strategy. Read the strategy on the EC Environment webpage.
Administrative Costs for Managing FP7 Grants
LERU presents the views of some of Europe’s leading research-intensive universities as a contribution to the ongoing debate on the simplification of the Framework Programme in this document.
Latest EU funding opportunities in media, sport and GKE
Media Funding
Promoting EU Audiovisual Works
Implementation of Media Pilot Projects
Sport Funding
Preparatory Actions in Sport
Green Knowledge Economy Funding
Assessment of EU Climate Policies
Impact of ICT R&D in Large-Scale Deployment of Electric Vehicles
Communication Campaign on Climate Action & Low-Carbon Society
Competitiveness Eco-Innovation initiative
Clean Sky 9th Call
FP7 Fuel Cells & Hydrogen Joint Undertaking Proposals
Green Knowledge Economy Events
Euroscience Open Forum
Eco-Innovation UK Info Day
FP7 Environment Info Day
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book your place on the BU GrantCraft Research Workshop Day!
We are delighted to offer a bespoke GrantCraft Research Workshop Day on May 11th 2011, facilitated by Dr Martin Pickard, a specialist in writing and supporting research proposals (particularly EU). Sessions will be held on grant writing skills, impact and benefit, how to write a Marie Curie proposal and the management of EU projects. You can attend as many sessions as you like throughout the day. To read more on each session and to make a booking see our GrantCraft Research Workshop Day Event Page.
book now for the BU GrantCraft Research Workshop Day!
We are delighted to offer a bespoke GrantCraft Research Workshop Day on May 11th 2011, facilitated by Dr Martin Pickard, a specialist in writing and supporting research proposals (particularly EU). Sessions will be held on grant writing skills, impact and benefit, how to write a Marie Curie proposal and the management of EU projects. You can attend as many sessions as you like throughout the day. To read more on each session and to make a booking see our GrantCraft Research Workshop Day Event Page.
Free FP7 Life+ information event
If you would like information and guidance about preparing and writing a LIFE+ proposal then this session is for you! Be quick to book though as registration closes on Tuesday 26th April. Further information can be found on our Events page.
Social Capital Events at BU
Aimed at all BU Academics (other colleagues welcome), this is a great opportunity to engage with a topic which crosses academic disciplines and to meet colleagues from across the University.
The theme of these events is the role of universities in building social capital, whether at regional, national or international level. By ‘social capital’ we mean the resources in a society which underpin social cohesion and inclusiveness. More cohesive societies with high social capital are likely to be more economically successful as well as politically stable.
Universities are or should be key institutions in enabling the growth of social capital, for example by generating and testing ideas for its enhancement, monitoring and supporting activities intended to increase it, and analysing examples of its decline or growth. Some of this will happen as a direct consequence of their educational missions and of research dissemination. However, much more could be achieved by universities through deliberate and strategic initiatives to engage with external communities.
A number of leading academics will be visiting BU to share their knowledge and expertise in this area:
- The work of the Institute of Community Cohesion in relation to the HE Sector
Professor Ted Cantle (Institute of Community Cohesion)
Thursday 16 June 2011, 11.00-12.30, K101, Talbot Campus - Engagement with Thames Gateway Communities
Dr. Iain MacRury (University of East London)
Tuesday 21 June 2011, 12.00-13.30, Student Hall, Talbot Campus - Research meets Local Theatre
Professor Stephen Coleman (University of Leeds)
Friday 24 June 2011, 12.00-13.30, PG19, Talbot Campus
See the Blog events calendar for details. For booking or information, please email Staff Development.
iNets South West – Environmental (Bristol)
Environmental Technology Roadmap Initiative
Friday 13 May, 9am-4pm, Viridor Room, SS Great Britain, Bristol
What is a Technology Roadmap?
- It helps reach a consensus about a set of needs and the technologies required to satisfy those needs
- It provides a forum to help forecast technology developments in the sector
- It provides a network to help plan and coordinate technology developments
Who should attend?
Businesses who want to develop new products, processes, technologies or expertise in the following sectors:
- Renewable Energy
- Sustainable Transport
- Waste Management
- Sustainable Construction
Why should I attend?
Participate in collaborative Research and Development projects in the UK and Europe (possible funding)
This is a fantastic opportunity to be part of an ongoing business community where businesses can influence the universities and wider knowledge base on the technology required to drive the environmental industry forward.
Places are limited for this event, so register early to ensure your place by clicking here
EU health related news
Health: Survey Finds European Citizens Support European Work on Rare Diseases
This Spring, on the 4th World Rare Diseases Day, a Eurobarometer survey was published showing wide support for action on rare diseases at EU level.
FP7 Health: Registration Now Open for Information Day
Registration has been opened for the Open Information Day and Partnering Event which the European Commission is organising on the 2012 Work Programme for the Health Theme in FP7. The Information Day will take place on 9 June and is aimed at researchers interested in applying to the 2012 Work Programme. It will consist of plenary sessions and several parallel sessions on participation issues, such as a targeted session on international co-operation and one on clinical trials.
Health and ICT Policy: E-Health Action Plan Consultation
The European Commission has opened a public consultation on the eHealth Action Plan 2012-2020.
The proposed eHealth Action Plan is due to run in parallel to the Digital Agenda for Europe and the Innovation Union flagship initiatives under the Europe 2020 strategy. It will also support the objectives of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing.
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EU Innovation related news
EIT: Consultation Launched on the Strategic Innovation Agenda
The European Commission has launched a public consultation on the forthcoming Strategic Innovation Agenda (SIA) of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), which is due to be published by the end of 2011. The consultation is open until 30 June 2011.
Innovation Policy: Proposals for Patent Protection to Boost Research and Innovation in Europe
The EC has unveiled two legislative proposals designed to reduce the costs of patents in Europe by up to 80%. The legislation is intended to enable any company or individual to protect their intellectual property through a single European patent, recognised in 25 EU Member States, and which thereby simplifies and reduces the costs of innovation. The draft proposals now pass to the European Parliament and Council of Ministers, where they require approval before they can enter into force as legislation.
FP8 Policy: LERU Event on Frontier Research
The League of European Research Universities (LERU) recently held an event in Brussels on “Frontier Research for Innovation”. The event included a keynote speech from Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, the European Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science, followed by a panel discussion on the future of European research and innovation funding, in particular frontier and basic research. The panel included Maria Da Graça Carvalho, the rapporteur for the European Parliament’s ITRE Committee (on Industry, Research and Energy) report on the simplification of the Framework Programme. Points supported by panel members included that excellence should remain the criterion for selecting Framework Programme projects, whilst structural funds should be used to build excellence.
Not yet signed up for UKRO alerts? See our former blogpost on how to do this.
Missenden Centre research workshops
The Missenden Centre is running a series of workshops this year that may be of interest to BU academics and research support staff:
Successful Bidding: Day Clinic – 2 June 2011, London
Bidding for Research Funding for academic staff – 15/16 June 2011, Missenden Centre
Bidding for Research Funding for research support staff – 16/17 June 2011, Missenden Centre
The Missenden Centre courses are highly praised and well respected within the sector.
BU shortlisted for THE Leadership and Management Awards for ‘Outstanding Research Management Team’
BU has been shortlisted for the Times Higher Education Leadership and Management Awards in the category of ‘Outstanding Research Management Team’.
The submission focused on the set up and implementation of the CRE Operations team by FCS during 2009-10 and the benefits that a centralised service has provided.
BU has also been shortlisted in the category ‘Outstanding Finance Team’ (for the second year running).
The awards will take place on 16 June at the Grosvenor House Hotel, Park Lane, London.
This is a fabulous achievement for Financial and Commercial Services! 😀 Whoop!
For the list of finalists see the THELMAs website.
RCUK delivery plan published
Last week Research Councils UK (RCUK) published its new delivery plan. The plan sets out the programme of collective activities for the period 2011-2015, building on the strategic objectives set out in the RCUK Strategic Vision.
The collective work that the Research Councils do as RCUK will cover two broad areas: delivering excellence with impact and enhancing efficiency.
The RCUK programme, detailed in the Delivery Plan, contributes to:
- Co-ordinating multidisciplinary research to address societal challenges
- Maximising the impact of the research funded by Research Councils
- Supporting research in the international context
- Ensuring a continued pipeline of highly skilled researchers for the sustained health of the research base, and for wider economic and societal benefit
- Engaging the public with the research.
Collaboration and multidisciplinary research will continue to be supported through the six cross-Council themes:
- Digital Economy
- Energy
- Global Food Security
- Global Uncertainties
- Lifelong Health and Wellbeing
- Living with Environmental Change
Research Councils will also work collectively to both improve the efficiency of their own operations and drive enhanced efficiency in the wider research base.
For further information read the full RCUK Delivery Plan.
Presentations from the FP7 Call 8 UK Early Awareness Event online
Presentations from the FP7 Call 8 UK Early Awareness Event (held 31.03.11) are available for download from the Innovate UK website
If you are not a member and would like to receive information about FP7 events please go to the ICKTN website and register.
Notes from AHRC, ESRC & BA on challenges and opportunities for the arts and humanities and social sciences in the current economic climate
BU’s Kate Welham and Richard Shipway attended a meeting jointly hosted by the AHRC, British Academy and the ESRC aimed at discussing the challenges and opportunities for the arts and humanities and social sciences in the current economic climate. The focus of the event included presentations from the three Chief Executives of the respective research bodies who outlined their amended research agendas and current strategic funding priorities. Notes from the day can be found here: Arts Humanities & Social Sciences Meeting Event
RCUK Research Outcomes Project
In an effort to record the outcomes and impact of research beyond the end of a funded project, Research Councils UK (RCUK) have been developing a system to gather the relevant quantitative and qualitative evidence. The information collated will be an important part of the Research Councils’ strategy development, and will be crucial in demonstrating the benefits of RCUK-funded research to society and the economy.
Currently, the Research Outcomes Project remains on course to go live in summer 2011, although a full roll out may not occur until autumn. Grant holders will be required to provide information on the following output types:
- Publications
- Collaboration
- Communication
- Exploitation
- Recognition
- Staff Development
- Further Funding
- Impact
The idea is for the system to allow outcomes to be reported at any point during the funding agreement and beyond, recognising that impacts from research are often realised some time after funding agreements have been completed.
The project team are engaging with users to ensure the system will be easy to use and aligned as far as possible with universities’ own research management information systems. A focus group of research managers provided feedback on the system, which is currently being built, and a pilot exercise is due to take place in August 2011.
BU is currently following the development of the Research Outcomes Project and will be looking at ways to help academics provide the required data in due course. In the meantime, please contact Anita Somner if you have any questions. To raise queries or concerns, or to make suggestions to RCUK, you can use the project email address: .
Competition to Name New FP8 Research and Innovation Programme
You can suggest a name for the next EU Framework Programme for research, technological development and innovation before 10 May 2011 via the EC website