Category / Research Training

ESRC South West Doctoral Training Partnership

In November last year, it was officially announced that Bournemouth University was part of the successful South West Doctoral Training Partnership (SWDTP) re-bid to the ESRC. Being part of the SWDTP provides prestigious opportunities to compete for PhD Studentships and Post-Doctoral Fellowships. There are also a number of other benefits including funding available to staff at institutions affiliated with the SWDTP and being part of a wider community of postgraduate students.

The SWDTP is made up of the Universities of Bristol, Bath, Bath Spa, Bournemouth, Exeter, Plymouth, Plymouth Marjons and UWE. The SWDTP ‘Hub’ (based at the University of Bristol) manages an annual competitive process, on behalf of the ESRC, to award up to 34 PhD studentships and 4 Post-Doctoral Fellowships. Bournemouth were invited to join the re-bid in pathways that aligned to the ESRC remit and which scored above an ESRC set threshold in the REF 2021 exercise. Aligned to UoAs 4 (Psychology), 14 (Geography & Environmental Studies), and 24 (Sport & Exercise Sciences, Leisure & Tourism), BU are eligible to apply for studentships across three of the 17 SWDTP pathways: Psychology; Climate Change, Sustainability & Society; and, Health, Well-being & Society.

Despite an exceptionally short window in November last year, we were able to run a limited and streamlined process that enabled us to compete for a limited number of studentships. We are delighted that we will have 2 new ESRC funded studentships begin in September of this year. We are now in the process of developing our first full PhD application round for students who would start in September 2025. The Post-Doctoral Fellow competition is likely to take place in March next year. With 8 institutions aligned to 17 pathways and 34 studentships available annually, these studentships are, understandably, extremely competitive. As such, we are looking to support prospective postgraduate students in the development of competitive applications.

Whilst much of our messaging is oriented toward attracting potential students and developing competitive applications, we are keen to ensure all BU staff who align to the three pathways are aware of these potential opportunities. Indeed, two of the pathways in which we are eligible to apply are interdisciplinary pathways (Climate Change, Sustainability & Society; Health, Well-being & Society). This means that applications may well be strengthened through projects that draw on a number of disciplinary approaches, provided there remains alignment to the UoAs highlighted above and satisfy the ESRC criteria for Social Science.

At this stage, and in the first instance, we just wanted to make colleagues aware of these potential opportunities and outline a few ways you may want to get involved / be visible for future candidates. We would be happy to add colleagues aligned to these pathways to our own internal webpages (see links below) and to email distribution groups. If you would like to be added, please do message the relevant pathway leads (listed below). Also, if you are aware of potential students who may be interested in applying please do feel free to get in touch with the relevant pathway lead. Further, you are able to add your own details to the SWDTP prospective supervisor database in any of the three pathways which BU are currently involved. You are able to add yourself to this database here (deadline is 26th September).

Finally, we will be running a couple of ‘lunchbite’ sessions via the Doctoral College in September / October oriented toward academic colleagues (we will run prospective student sessions in due course). These are designed to provide a little more information about the SWDTP, the pathways to which we belong, the timelines for 2025 cohort applications, and aid supervisors with supporting potential applicants. Please do look out for more information coming soon about these sessions.

BU SWDTP Pathways

Events taking place as part of UK National Postdoc Appreciation Week

Postdoc Appreciation Week logoUK Postdoc Appreciation Week (PAW) is an annual nationwide event celebrating the contribution postdocs make to research and academic life.

This year, Postdoc Appreciation Week runs from Monday 16 September to Friday 20 September with free events taking place to connect and support researchers.

The PAW flagship event this year, Into the Postdoc-verse: building relationships across dimensions, will explore how to authentically network and build long-lasting relationships across disciplines/sectors. This will include live networking sessions to practice and build connections right away as well as a keynote talk by Dr Steve Cross, founder of Bright Club.

The event takes place 10am – 12.15pm, Monday 16th September.  Register here:

To celebrate the 5th anniversary of PAW,  free online 1-2-1 careers sessions are also available on Tuesday 17th September for those who do no have institutional support for careers/CV clinic. Sign up here:

Find out more about UK Postdoc Appreciation Week on the PAW website

RKEDF: Early Career Researcher Network – Introduction/New to BU

RKEDF: Early Career Researcher Network – Introduction/New to BU

Weds 2nd Oct 14:00-15:00, Talbot Campus


This session is facilitated by BU Professors and ECRN conveners.  It is an open introduction to working, researching and thriving at BU where you will learn about key contacts and services, how to manage the expectations of your role, and share advice on developing your skills as an early career researcher.

It is open to all who identify as being in the early stages of their research career – whether a Postgraduate Researcher, newly-appointed academic, or returning to research.

Book your place here

If you are not already a member of the Early Career Researcher Network (ECRN) but would like to be, or if you have any questions, please contact:


New qualitative research methods paper now online

I am delighted to share that our most recent methods paper in the International Journal of Qualitative Methods entitled “Most Significant Change Approach: A Guide to Assess the Programmatic Effects” [1] is now published and is available online (click here!).  This paper is co-authored by Mohan K. Sharma, Shanti P. Khanal and Edwin R.van Teijlingen.

The paper outlines the so-called ‘Most Significant Change’ (MSC) participatory technique to monitor and evaluate programmatic effects. MSC is a form of monitoring that can be applied throughout the programme cycle and it provides information to help manage the programme. Furthermore, MSC as an evaluation method, provides stories from which programmes’ overall impact can be assessed. However, MSC, as a participatory evaluation technique using qualitative approaches, is often neglected by many evaluators.


This is the latest in a series of papers describing the strengths and weaknesses of applying specific research approaches.  Other recent methods papers included two on positionality [2-3], a paper on interview methods [4], reflections on conducting participatory policy analysis in Nepal [5], some considerations about the selection of study localities in health research [6], distinguishing between methods and methodology [7], the use of the appreciative inquiry methods [8], reflections on interdisciplinary research [9], and patient and public involvement in research in Bangladesh and Nepal [10].

Whilst older methods papers published Faculty of Health & Social Sciences academics include topics such as focus group discussions, working with translators, conducting pilot studies, the Delphi Method, comparative studies, and qualitative interviews [11-22].


Prof. Edwin van Teijlingen




  1. Sharma, M.K., Khanal, S.P., van Teijlingen E. (2024) Most Significant Change Approach: A Guide to Assess the Programmatic Effects, International Journal of Qualitative Methods,
  2. Gurr, H., Oliver, L., Harvey, O., Subedi, M., van Teijlingen, E. (2024) Positionality in Qualitative Research, Dhaulagiri Journal of Sociology & Anthropology 18(1): 48-54.
  3. Thapa, R., Regmi, P., van Teijlingen, E., Heaslip, V. (2023) Researching Dalits and health care: Considering positionality, Health Prospect 21(1): 6-8.
  4. Harvey, O., van Teijlingen, E., Parrish, M. (2024) Using a range of communication tools to interview a hard-to-reach population, Sociological Research Online 29(1): 221–232
  5. Sapkota, S., Rushton, S., van Teijlingen, E., Subedi, M., Balen, J., Gautam, S., Adhikary, P., Simkhada, P., Wasti,SP., Karki, JK., Panday, S., Karki, A., Rijal, B., Joshi, S., Basnet, S., Marahatta, SB. (2024) Participatory policy analysis in health policy and systems research: reflections from a study in Nepal. Health Research & Policy Systems, 22(7) .
  6. Wasti, S.P., van Teijlingen, E., Simkhada, P., Rushton, S., Balen, J., Subedi, M., Karki, J., Adhikary, P., Sapkota, S., Gautam, S., Marahatta, S., Panday, S., Bajracharya, B., Vaidya, A. for the Nepal Federal Health System Team (2023) Selection of Study Sites and Participants for Research into Nepal’s Federal Health System, WHO South-East Asia Journal of Public Health
  7. Harvey, O., Regmi, P.R., Mahato, P., Dhakal Adhikari, S., Dhital, R., van Teijlingen E. (2023) Methods or Methodology: Terms That Are Too Often Confused. Journal of Education & Research, 13(2): 94-105.
  8. Arnold, R., Gordon, C., Way, S., Mahato, P., van Teijlingen, E. (2022) Why use Appreciative Inquiry? Lessons learned during COVID-19 in a UK maternity service, European Journal of Midwifery 6 (May): 1-7.
  9. Shanker, S., Wasti, S.P., Ireland, J., Regmi, P., Simkhada, P., van Teijlingen, E. (2021) The Interdisciplinary Team Not the Interdisciplinarist: Reflections on Interdisciplinary Research, Europasian Journal of Medical Sciences 3(2): 1-5.
  10. Simkhada, B., van Teijlingen, E., Nadeem, A., Green, S., Warren A. (2021) Importance of involving patients and public in health research in Bangladesh and Nepal. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care 37: e10.
  11. Kirkpatrick, P., van Teijlingen E. (2009) Lost in Translation: Reflecting on a Model to Reduce Translation and Interpretation Bias, The Open Nursing Journal, 3(8): 25-32 web address:
  12. van Teijlingen E, Hundley, V. (2005) Pilot studies in family planning & reproductive health care, Journal of Family Planning & Reproductive Health Care 31(3): 219-21.
  13. van Teijlingen E, Pitchforth E. (2006) Focus Group Research Family Planning & Reproductive Health Care, Journal of Family Planning & Reproductive Health Care 32(1): 30-2
  14. van Teijlingen E, Pitchforth, E., Bishop, C., Russell, E.M. (2006) Delphi method and nominal group techniques in family planning and reproductive health research, Journal of Family Planning & Reproductive Health Care 32(4): 249-252.
  15. Pitchforth, E, van Teijlingen E, Ireland, J. (2007) Focusing the group, RCM Midwives Journal 10(2): 78-80.
  16. Pitchforth, E., van Teijlingen E. (2005) International Public Health Research involving interpreters: a case study approach from Bangladesh, BMC Public Health, 5: 71 Web address:
  17. Forrest Keenan, K., Teijlingen van, E., Pitchforth, E. (2005) Analysis of qualitative research data in family planning & reproductive health care, Journal of Family Planning & Reproductive Health Care 31(1): 40-43.
  18. Brindle S, Douglas, F, van Teijlingen E., Hundley V. (2005) Midwifery Research: Questionnaire surveys, RCM Midwives Journal 8 (4): 156-158.
  19. Douglas, F, van Teijlingen E, Brindle S, Hundley, V, Bruce, J., Torrance, N. (2005) Designing Questionnaires for Midwifery Research, RCM Midwives Journal 8: 212-215.
  20. van Teijlingen E Ireland, J. (2003) Research interviews in midwifery RCM Midwives Journal 6: 260-63.
  21. van Teijlingen E, Sandall, J., Wrede, S., Benoit, C., DeVries, R., Bourgeault, I. (2003) Comparative studies in maternity care RCM Midwives Journal 6: 338-40.
  22. van Teijlingen E, Hundley, V. (2002) ‘The importance of pilot studies’ Nursing Standard 16(40): 33-36. Web:

Bursaries available to attend the 2024 Vitae Researcher Development Conference

A number of bursaries are available to enable researchers to attend the Vitae International Researcher Development Conference 2024.

The conference takes place online from 3rd-5th September and in-person in Birmingham on 23rd and 24th September.

It is the flagship annual event of Vitae, a non-profit programme to support the professional development of researchers, and will cover topics around policy and practice in researcher development.

29 bursaries are available in total – covering attendance at both the online and in-person events or the online-only elements.

The bursaries have been sponsored by UKRI, British Academy’s Early Career Researcher Network, and Wellcome – with different criteria for each.

They are available to researchers in the following categories:

  • who are, have been, or are looking to be involved in researcher networks and staff associations or committees (UKRI bursaries)
  • part of the BA Early Career Researcher Network (British Academy bursaries)
  • with an interest in equity, diversity and inclusion within the research environment (Wellcome bursaries)

The closing date for applications is Tuesday 20th August.

For more information and to apply, please visit the Vitae Researcher Development Conference website

RKEDF July Digest – Training opportunities for YOU!

Have you heard the news!!!!!!  

We are excited to share some great RKEDF training opportunities coming up in July 2024! 

 Click on the titles to find further details and book your place!!!! 

 AHRC & ESRC: How to write an application in the new format for the Funding Service 

Thursday, July 4, 11:00 – 13:00 – Online 

The session will cover the requirements for the new UKRI application format. We will discuss the application structure focusing on AHRC and ESRC and the sections and how to complete them. The session will be framed with more general information on the various Research Councils that comprise UKRI and best practice in writing applications for external research funding. 

 Principal Investigation – Post Award for RKE 

Wednesday, July 10, 14:00 – 15:00 – Online 

This session is aimed at any researcher who is, who plans to be, a Principal Investigator for an externally funded research or knowledge exchange project.   

 New Generation Thinkers 2025 – AHRC/BBC Radio 4 

Thursday, July 11, 11:00 – 13:30 – F112 – Fusion Building – Talbot Campus 

This is our annual new generation thinkers’ workshop, where we look at the call, requirements, eligibility and having a panel chair and member’s point of view. For early career researchers and PGRs who want to share their research with the public. 

Call information: Develop your media skills with the New Generation Thinkers scheme. The scheme is a partnership between the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and the BBC.  

 Building a Policy Influencing Strategy 

Friday, July 12, 9:30 – 16:30 and Thursday, July 18, 9:00 – 16:00 – Zoom 

A one-day online workshop for up to eight researchers, delivered via Zoom and facilitated by public affairs and policy consultant Carys Davis, from The Other Place  

The session will enable participants to: 

  • develop key messages, supporting narratives and evidence, identify and map their audience, gain insight into the channels available for influencing. 

 RKEDF: ECRN: Where do you begin with Research funding? 

Friday 12th July – 10:00-12:00 – Online 

The workshop is aimed at researchers from across BU at either postdoctoral or early career stage. It will focus on funders including (but not limited to) the AHRC, UKRI, British Academy, Welcome Trust, and NIHR. 

Are you an Early Career Researcher interested in applying for research funding but unsure where to start? In this BU ERC Network special session, professional bid writing consultant Sally Baggott (PhD) offers her insights in the contemporary funding landscape for ECRs,  


Please assist us in avoiding any waste of resources; make sure you can attend or cancel your booking prior to the session. 

 For more training opportunities, please visit the ‘SharePoint site’ here. 

 For any further information, please contact:  

Positionality in qualitative research

At the online editorial board meeting today [Saturday 29th June] of the Dhaulagiri Journal of Sociology and Anthropology I had the pleasure of seeing Bournemouth University’s latest paper ‘The Importance of Positionality for Qualitative Researchers’ ahead of publication [1].  The lead author of this paper is Hannah Gurr and this methodology paper is part of her M.Res. research project in Social Work.  Hannah is supervised by Dr. Louise Oliver, Dr. Orlanda Harvey and Prof. Edwin van Teijlingen in the Faculty of Health & Social Sciences (FHSS).

Dhaulagiri Journal of Sociology and Anthropology is a Gold Open Access journal so when it appears online it will be free to read for anybody across the globe.


Prof. Edwin van Teijlingen

Centre for Midwifery & Women’s Health


  1. Gurr, H., Oliver, L., Harvey, O., van Teijlingen, E. (2024) The Importance of Positionality for Qualitative Researchers, Dhaulagiri Journal of Sociology and Anthropology 18 (forthcoming)

BU Research Conference 2024: Powerful partnerships

The third annual BU research conference event took place on Wednesday. This year’s theme centred around partnership and collaboration in research, exploring some of the opportunities and challenges around working with others.

As well as attendees from across BU, we also greeted guests from other local universities and partner organisations.

Isabella Pereira from the Institute for Community Studies

Isabella Pereira from the Institute for Community Studies

Following the official opening by Professor Sarah Bate, we welcomed keynote speaker Isabella Pereira, Head of the Institute for Community Studies (ICS).

Isabella talked through several case studies of research undertaken by the ICS – from supporting an NHS Trust’s suicide bereavement service to student engagement with marginalised communities and reaching residents as part of a regeneration project.

She also shared her advice on working effectively with communities, including meeting people ‘where they are’ and considering the impact of potential power imbalances and differing values and expectations.

This was followed by a lively panel discussion. Chaired by Professor Lee Miles, the panel (Professor Carol Clark, Professor Sam Goodman, Professor Zoheir Sabeur and Dr Mili Shrivastava) shared their experiences of building and maintaining partnerships and took audience questions on topics including dealing with ‘gatekeepers’ and factoring networking opportunities into workloads.

Key themes emerged around the need to build and develop trust as part of any partnership, building a strong profile to help facilitate opportunities and build networks, and managing different stakeholder interests.

The Building Partnerships Panel Discussion

The Building Partnerships Panel Discussion

A range of workshops offered the opportunity to hear more about the work being undertaken at BU and gain practical tips and strategies for working with different partners.

Topics covered included co-creating research with under-served communities, working with community and voluntary organisations, international research collaboration, working with business, and collaborating for research knowledge exchange in the Ukraine and Sierra Leone.

Following some closing reflections from Andy Scott, Head of RDS, the day concluded with a conference lunch, offering an opportunity to network and continue conversations.

The Research Conference is an annual event organised by the Research Excellence Team in RDS to bring BU’s academic and research community together to learn, share, network and discuss key topics from the world of research.

A big thank you to everyone who supported or attended this year’s conference. If you have any feedback or suggestions of topics for future years, please get in touch at

BU Research Conference: Powerful Partnerships – Wednesday 26 June

A lightbulb created by interlocking pieces of stringThere’s still time to book your place for the BU Research Conference, which takes place on Wednesday (26 June) in the Fusion Building.

The theme for this year’s conference is powerful partnerships, exploring how working with others can enhance your research.

Speakers include Isabella Pereira, Head of the Institute for Community Studies, and a panel of BU academics sharing their experiences of working with partners regionally, nationally and internationally.

You’ll also have chance to take part in practical workshops covering topics including building international partnerships, co-creating research, and working with business.

The conference runs from 9.30am – 1pm and will be followed by a networking lunch to spark further conversations and collaborations.

We’re hoping it will be an inspiring and informative day, and we’d love to see you there.

Find out more and book your place via Eventbrite

RKEDF: UKRI Assurance and compliance for externally-funded grants

Thursday 20th June – 10:00-11:30 – Hybrid – Poole House, Talbot Campus

Thursday 20th June – 13:00-14:30 – Hybrid – Gateway Building, Lansdowne

UKRI Assurance and compliance for externally-funded grants

This workshop is aimed at staff who have active UKRI-funded grants, or are in the process of applying for UKRI-funded grants. The workshop will cover; how UKRI conduct its assurance and compliance visits (audits), what you as a principal investigator or co-investigator need to be aware of, how to prepare, and the support you can expect to receive from Research Development & Support. By the end of the workshop, you’ll be aware of the common pitfalls and what you can do to ensure a positive outcome if UKRI pick your project as part of their assurance and compliance process.

The external facilitator for these sessions is Charles Shannon

Please note there is an AM and a PM session on the same day. You are invited to attend online or in person.  

Book your place here – under “UKRI Assurance” in the drop-down menu

For any queries regarding this workshop, please contact RKE Development Framework

BU Research Conference 2024: Powerful Partnerships – practical workshops

A lightbulb created by interlocking pieces of stringThe BU Research Conference returns on Wednesday 26th June, where we’ll be exploring the power of partnerships and how collaboration can enhance your research.

As well as a keynote talk from Isabella Pereira, Head of the Institute for Community Studies, and a panel discussion around building partnerships, we also have a range of practical workshops to help with developing effective research collaborations and finding partners.

Each workshop will last 45 minutes and attendees will have the opportunity to attend two workshops on the day – click on the links below to book your place.

This workshop will provide practical strategies for engaging with underserved communities and how to build on social capital and lived experience of communities to develop and implement impactful research.

This workshop will be facilitated by Dr Sophia Amenyah, Post Doctoral Research Fellow in the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences

International collaboration can increase the quality, reach and impact of research, as well as provide access to datasets, facilities, and teams of talented researchers. This workshop will feature a lively discussion about the benefits of international research collaboration, opportunities to get involved in BU strategic partnerships overseas, and to meet some of our international partners in person.

This workshop will be facilitated by Dr Gloria Khamkar, Principal Academic in Journalism, Dr Alastair Morrison, Head of International Partnerships, and colleagues from our partners at the University of Saskatchewan, Canada and the Brest National School of Engineering (ENIB), France

This workshop will be an opportunity to hear and discuss opportunities for collaborating with VCSOs to maximise the relevance, quality and impact of our research. Sharing evidence and examples of best practice, the facilitators will share their insights and experiences from both academic and community perspectives, outlining where to start and how to create opportunities where all involved can work together as equal partners for equal benefit.

This workshop will be facilitated by Professor Mel Hughes and Dr Kate Jupp from the BU PIER partnership

Professor Marcin Budka will talk about his experience of working with several businesses on Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTPs), a government-funded initiative that brings universities and businesses together to drive innovation.

He will share his insights into the process – from application to completion – and the long-term strategic impact that can arise from a successful KTP collaboration.

This workshop will be facilitated by Professor Marcin Budka, Professor of Data Science

This workshop offers an opportunity to be inspired by hearing about how to bring research into knowledge exchange collaborations creatively, with impact, and in a funding limited environment. Hear from two of our BU professors about the collaborative work they have been doing in the Ukraine and in Sierra Leone, which has had a significant positive impact on the lives of individuals, and on policy makers, in two socio-politically instable countries.

This workshop will be facilitated by Dr Wendelin Morrison, Knowledge Exchange Manager, Professor Mark Brisbane (the Ukraine Pechersk-Lavra Project) and Professor Lee Miles, Professor of Crisis and Disaster Management

There will also be the chance to find out more about a Smart Leisure and Active Ageing project, led by a team from BU Business School and the Ageing and Dementia Research Centre working in partnership with local tourism and leisure partners to support inclusion and accessibility.

The BU Research Conference takes place on Wednesday 26th June in the Fusion Building. To find out more and book your place, visit Eventbrite.

RDP Masterclass in Productive Writing: Techniques, Planning, Finishing


RDP Masterclass in Productive Writing – Wednesday 5th June – 14:00 – 17:00 – Online.

Facilitator: Dr Joanna Young

Session Summary:

How do you initiate the writing process when faced with only a blank page or a cursor incessantly blinking on the screen? Effective written communication is an essential part of academia and researchers are required to write a variety of documents including proposals, theses, papers for publication, grant proposals and books. Scholarly writing projects involve planning, drafting & redrafting, setting deadlines and collaboration.

This workshop will focus on how to start writing, how to keep going and how to finish. We will cover initiating and managing a manuscript, structure, productive writing techniques and a short introduction to new collaborative writing tools. Participants will be encouraged to consider where writing can fit into their schedule and what works best for them.

The workshop will include writing exercises, advice on making writing part of your working routine and a short section on dealing with and providing feedback.

Please book your place via the link here.

Getting in touch:

If you have any questions about this specific session or the Doctoral College Researcher Development Programme, please feel free to contact Enrica or Arabella in your Researcher Development team, as we are always happy to help:

BU Research Conference 2024: Powerful partnerships – book your place

Collaboration is at the heart of excellent research – whether it’s building relationships with international partners, co-creating research with communities, or working across disciplines to find fresh perspectives.

The BU Research Conference is back for 2024 and this year’s event will explore the power of partnerships, showcasing how working with others can enhance your research.

It will take place in the Fusion Building (Talbot Campus) on Wednesday 26th June, with a mix of speakers, panel sessions, and practical workshops.

The conference will run from 9.30am to 1.15pm, with refreshments included. It will be followed by a networking lunch to help start conversations and build new connections.

The keynote speaker for the conference will be Isabella Pereira, Head of the Institute for Community Studies – a research institute with people at its heart. Engaging with people across the UK, they work to influence societal change, bridging the gap between communities, evidence, and policymaking.

Following this will be the Building partnerships panel, with academics from across BU talking about their experiences of working with partners regionally, nationally, and internationally – as well as across different sectors and disciplines – and sharing their insights and advice on effective research collaboration.

We’ll also have a range of practical workshops, covering topics including working with business, building international partnerships, and public involvement in research.

The conference is open to all researchers and those involved in research across BU and other universities in Dorset.

Book your place via Eventbrite

Successful Bid-generating Sandpit designed and facilitated by BU academics Catalin Brylla and Lyle Skains

image with sandpit title, facilitator names, and sponsor logos27 early career academics from ten universities came together 30 April-1 May in Bournemouth for a two-day sandpit funded by The British Academy Early Career Researcher Network and organised by Dr. Catalin Brylla (Centre for the Study of Conflict, Emotion, and Social Justice) and Dr. Lyle Skains (Centre for Science, Health, and Data Communication Research). The participants specialise in a variety of disciplines such as performance, media, business management, environmental sciences, anthropology, computing, architecture, law, engineering, tourism, and health studies. They brought their interests in a sustainable world and society (as represented by the UN Sustainable Development Goals) to the sandpit for networking, team-building, and funding and project development workshops, many of which were based on the successful and innovative NESTA-developed ‘Crucible’ programme (no longer online, but see the Welsh Crucible).

image of 27 people seated in two rows of chairs facing one another, talking animatedlyThe success of the sandpit’s activities is highlighted by the culmination of six projects proposed to a panel of subject experts from Bournemouth University: Prof. Amanda Korstjens (ecology), Prof. Adele Ladkin (business), Prof. Huseyin Dogan (computing), Dr. Lyle Skains (arts practice and interdisciplinarity), Dr. Catalin Brylla (media practice) and Zarak Afzal (research development). These experts provide mentorship and feedback on the projects as they develop toward funding proposals. Two sandpit follow-up sessions will also aid the participants in developing their funding proposals.

A group of people around a table, writing notes, talking animatedly to one another. Other similar tables are in the background.This is the first ‘crucible’ sandpit of its kind offered through the BA ECRN, though plans are under development for further offerings in both the Southwest and other regional hubs.

To receive news of further sandpits and development opportunities, join the BA ECRN.