Developing research impact: influencing public policy

Working with policy-makers is a really useful way of getting research recognised and used by professionals in the relevant field, resulting in an impact on society.

Not only can attempting to influence policy raise the profile of the research and have profound implications for society, it can also considerably raise the profile of the academic behind the research, creating room for possible new partnerships and future collaboration.

What is policy-influencing?

Policy-makers bring together evidence and politics to come up with policies and solutions for issues that affect everyone on a daily basis. They can incorporate a range of individuals; including those who are elected into political positions and civil servants who work in government departments, meaning there are a variety of ways in which research can lead to influencing policy.

Research can be particularly influential in policy influencing as it could provide the basis for an evidence-based change or amendment to legislation.  This can be a very powerful way of developing research impact, but it can also be a very complex process.

How can you find out more?

BU’s Policy team, Jane Forster and Emma Bambury-Whitton are running two sessions as part of BU’s week-long series of research impact events which will explain how to use research to influence public policy on Wednesday and Thursday.

For further information about influencing policy, take a look at RKEO’s new impact toolkit.