Tuesday 11th February 1200 – 1300 GMT Online, Zoom
The British Academy Early Career Researcher Network – South West & South Wales cluster invites you to an online gathering on the 2nd Tuesday of each month where we get to know each other and exchange knowledge, support and inspiration. Each month, the first half of the meeting has a theme, often including a presentation and discussion. Then there is ample time for networking, fostering new connections and collaborations across the region. Our intention is the topics and format of the events are ECR-driven.
Feel free to bring your lunch or coffee. This is an informal space to connect.
For more information about these events, and to feedback, please email Linda Lanyon.
Tuesday 11th February Programme
1200 – 1205: Welcome and objectives for this new series of events – Dr Linda Lanyon, BA ECRN SWSW Project Officer
1205 – 1230: Outcomes from the ECR workshop at Bath Spa University in October & discussion about next steps – Dr Sanja Djerasimovic, University of Exeter / all.
1230 – 1300: Networking & discussion – all
The British Academy Early Career Researcher Network brings together ECRs across the humanities and social sciences disciplines, regardless of their funding source or background.
To book a ticket to attend this event you must be a member of the British Academy ECR Network. Please see the BA website for more information on eligibility and how to sign up. For membership enquiries, please email ecr_network@thebritishacademy.ac.uk.