The Friday Prof-ile: Tom Wainwright

Welcome to The Friday Prof-ile – a chance to get to know some of our recently appointed Professors and Associate Professors a little better. Every Friday, we’ll be asking a different person the same set of questions to get an insight into their life, work and what makes them tick. 

This week, we’re chatting with Professor in Orthopaedics Tom Wainwright.

Tom Wainwright

Tom Wainwright

What are your research interests? What made you want to study these areas?  

Primarily I am interested in helping to improve the treatment of patients with hip and knee arthritis. Firstly, looking at strategies and interventions that can help patients avoid the need for surgery, and then secondly, when surgery is indicated, looking at how surgical recovery can be optimised. Arthritis is a significant socioeconomic and health burden, and at a patient level can have a hugely detrimental effect on a patient’s quality of life and daily activities. It is therefore, in my opinion, both an interesting and important research topic.

What has been your career highlight to date? 

Being the lead author of the highly cited/downloaded ERAS Society international consensus guidelines for hip and knee replacement surgery. I was the first, and I am still, the only non-surgeon to ever lead the formation of an international ERAS Society guideline.

What are you working on at the moment? 

I am currently leading a number of externally-funded research studies. These include a trial of how best to provide physiotherapy for patients with hip arthritis, and two studies that will reveal brand new insights into the post-operative functional recovery trajectories of patients following hip and knee replacement.

If you weren’t an academic, what would you be doing?

I would probably be working clinically as a physiotherapist.

What do you do to unwind? 

Spend time doing activities outdoors with my family and friends. I like to run, bike, and spend time in the sea. I love to snowboard and surf, and play cricket and football. I also like to cook and travel.

What’s the best thing about Bournemouth? 

The beach and surrounding coastline and countryside. We are so lucky to live in such a beautiful spot.

If you could pick any superpower, what would it be and why? 

To be able to teleport! I could surf in Portugal before coming to work, and pop to Canada at the weekends to snowboard! It would also save on my carbon footprint and mean I don’t have to do any travel booking paperwork for work trips!

If you were stranded on a desert island, what one luxury item would you take with you? 

A piano. I played as kid and would love to have the time to pick it up again and practice.

What advice would you give to your younger self? 

Remember to be present, and enjoy the small moments.