We invited a lecture hall of postgraduate research (PGR) students to reflect on their hopes for their research studies using a collage methodology. Image-making enables cognitive disruption (in a good way). Collage can be mediated in various ways. In this situation, magazines and cut-out magazine images were spread across the lecture theatre. PGR students were given the prompt “what are your hopes for your future studies”. They tore out images that caught their attention which were glued onto an A4 page. The meaning of these posters was shared to gather core themes. These were then uploaded to a padlet board. At the end of the session students wrote their action plans on A4 people and sent them (literally) with doctoral college staff by launching paper planes. CEL work with teams to embed making processes into teaching practice. Please contact cscott@bournemouth.ac.uk for further information.
Good luck to all those starting post-graduate research studies!