BU is hosting a two-day REF event on Thursday 19 and Friday 20 May 2011. All staff are invited to attend.
The event is of interest to BU academic staff and anyone who will be involved in the BU submission to the REF.
There will be three separate sessions:
Session 1
Thursday 19 May 9am-2pm
This session will be open to BU staff and external delegates.
There will be presentations from the REF team at HEFCE, REF impact pilot panel members, and a REF impact pilot institution (University of Plymouth).
Session 2
Thursday 19 May 2pm-5pm
This session is only open to BU staff.
This session will provide BU staff with the opportunity for internal networking, followed by a demonstration of BU’s new publications management system and a presentation on preparing a publication profile for the REF.

Session 3
Friday 20 May 9:45am-4:30pm
This session is only open to BU staff.
The focus of this session is the development of the BU impact case studies. There will be presentations of the impact case studies being developed at the moment.
All sessions will take place in Kimmeridge House and Poole House, Talbot Campus.
You must register separately for each session you will be attending.
See our previous REF Event blog post for further details. The provisional programmes are available on the registration forms (see links above).