It’s been a few weeks since the last Good Luck and Congratulations post, and there has been a huge amount of activity in September! It is fantastic to see so many of our staff from all Schools engaging in research and knowledge exchange activities.
Messages of good luck are due to Sarah Bate (DEC) and Scott Cohen (ST) who both submitted bids to the prestigious ESRC Future Research Leaders scheme, to Adrian Newton (ApSci), Ric and Rudy Gozlan (ApSci_hard Stillman (ApSci) who all submitted large bids to NERC, and to Madhu Acharyya (BS) for a collaborative bid to ESRC/DfID. Also to Ben Thomas and Christine Keenan (DEC) for a bid to JISC, Vijay Reddy (ST) for submitting a bid to the Sasakawa Foundation, Tom Davis (DEC) for an outline proposal to NESTA, Keith Hayman (ST) for submitting an outline proposal to KFC to accredit an in-house CPD programme, and to Jon Wardle (MS) for a handful of proposals to various HEIs for Parashoot and Caspar licenses. Good luck to Bronwen Russell (ApSci) with a bid to Distributed Generation Limited, Roger Herbert (ApSci) for a research bid to URS Scott Wilson, Clive Andrewes (HSC) for a bid to Solent PCT, and to Kathy Hodder (ApSci) for an outline proposal to Natural England. Good luck to you all!
Huge congratulations are due to Kate Welham (ApSci), Neal White (MS) and Hugh Chignell (MS) for winning a Block Grant Partnership award for Masters and PhD studentships from the AHRC! This is an outstanding achievement! Congratulations are also due to to Jane Murphy (HSC) for winning a grant from Macmillan Cancer Care, Cornelius Ncube (DEC) for winning a grant with the European Commission, Rob Britton (ApSci) for a contract with Southern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority, Matt Northam (MS) for a contract with the British Universities Film and Video Council, Lee-Ann Fenge (HSC) for winning funding from the Big Lottery Fund, Gill Jordan (HSC) for a continuation of the overseas nurses contract with Pulse International, and to Bronwen Russell and the Bournemouth Archaeology team (ApSci) for securing a contract to undertake a watching brief for Christchurch Borough Council Congratulations also to Andrew Main and Norman Stock (DEC) for winning a shorter KTP with Chantacre Ltd, Richard Gordon (ST) for securing a contract to deliver disaster management training in Venezuela, and to Steve Calver and the MRG team (ST) for winning contracts with four different local authorities, Anastasios Theofilou (MS) for a contract with NES Health, Clive Andrewes (HSC) for winning the contract for a PDU re-accreditation with Somerset Partnership NHS Trust, and finally to Rachael Bewes (HSC) for securing funds to set up a physio clinic at BU. Many congratulations!