There have been a number of large scale, cross-School and/or inter-university collaborative bids, internally led by members of the Professoriate, submitted this month which is excellent news. Good luck therefore to Edwin van Teijlingen and Anthea Innes in HSC for submitting two large collaborative proposals to the EC under the FP7 Health calls, to Alan Fyall, Feifei Xu (both ST) and Adrian Newton (ApSci) for submitting a cross-School and inter-university collaborative bid to ESPA. Good luck also to Oleg Fryazinov (MS) for a bid to the European Research Council, Vijay Reddy, John Fletcher and Richard Gordon (ST) for submitting a bid to the ESRC, Alan Fyall, Dimitrios Buhalis, Philip Alford and John Brackstone (ST) for a bid to the ESRC’s Knowledge Exchange call, Simon Thompson (DEC) for a large bid to the ESRC’s (Open Research Area in Europe) call, Phil MacGregor (MS) for a fellowship bid to the AHRC, and to Sarah Hean (HSC) for a bid to the ESRC.
Good luck also to Peter Comninos and Dan Cox (MS) for an Interreg bid, Vijay Reddy (ST) for a bid for pilot funding from the Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation, Clive Andrewes (HSC) for a short course proposal to Dorset Healthcare University NHS Foundation Trust, John Tarrant (HSC) for a small bid to Persides, Sue Way (HSC) for a bid to NHS Portsmouth, and to Maggie Hutchings (HSC) and Jacqui Taylor and Becky House (DEC) for two bids to the Higher Education Academy.
Congratulations to Crispin Farbrother (ST) for a small consultancy contract with Dorset County Hospital, Richard Gordon (ST) for securing another training contract with the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Jon Wardle (MS) for a production contract with Skillset, Mark Maltby (ApSci) for a small bones consultancy contract with Bedfordshire County Council, Roger Herbert (ApSci) for winning a contract with Shellfish Association of Great Britain, and to Gill Jordan (HSC) who has been awarded a large contract with the South West Strategic Health Authority.
Well done to Steve Calver and the MRG team for securing four contracts with various organisations, Stephanie Farmer (Red Balloon, MS) for number of contracts with organisations including DM Orthotics Ltd and Dorset Healthcare NHS Trust, and to Bronwen Russell and the Bournemouth Archaeology team (ApSci) for two contracts with Christchurch Borough Council and Donhead St Andrews Parish Council.
Best wishes