Good luck to Stuart Allan (MS) who has submitted quite a large bid to the BBC to undertake some research in the media coverage of conflict, Einar Thorsen (MS) for a small bid to the Association of Journalism Education to look at strategies for the use of news websites in journalism education, Edwin van Teijlingen (HSC) for submitting a capacity building partnership bid to THET, Eileen Wilkes (ApSci) for submitting a proposal to the British Academy small grants scheme to continue her research at Mount Folly, Ian Jones, Emma Kavanagh and Lorraine Brown (ST) for a joint bid to the British Academy, and to Lorraine Brown for a second bid to the British Academy. Good luck also to Janet Dickinson (ST), Heather Hartwell (ST/HSC) and Fabian Homberg (BS) each of whom has submitted a bid to the ESRC seminar series, Rosie Read (HSC) who has submitted two fellowship applications to research volunteering in the Czech Republic, and to Steve Calver and the MRG team (ST) who have submitted three bids to Dorset County Council
Congratulations to Mark Passera (MS) for a winning a contract with Grapevine Telecom Ltd and to Clive Andrewes (HSC) for securing a small contract with Dorset Healthcare University NHS Foundation Trust. Congratulations also to Stephanie Farmer (Red Balloon, MS) for winning a contract with Weymouth and Portland Borough Council to film footage for the Olympics, and Bronwen Russell and the Bournemouth Archaeology team (ApSci) for securing a contract with Donhead St Andrew.
Best wishes
Matthew Bennett