If you’d like to share any of the posts on the Blog with colleagues, friends, the public, you can do this quickly and easily via Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, email (plus many more!) using the Share This function at the end of each Blog post.
- Click on ‘Click here to share this blog post’ at the end of the post you wish to share
- This will open the post in your browser, giving you the option to share the post via Twitter, Email or Facebook (as per the picture below)
- To share via Twitter or Facebook simply click on the icon and the post will be added to your Twitter feed / Facebook profile
- To share via any other media (such as email, LinkedIn, Yahoo, Delicious, etc) simply hover the cursor over the Email icon and a new window will open displaying all of the ways you can share the post. Clicking on LinkedIn, for example, will share it via LinkedIn! Easy 🙂
Sharing posts this way helps to promote the excellent work going on at BU and can also help you to establish networks with likeminded people.