This is a reminder that an information event for those planning to participate in the final round of calls under the Information Communication Technologies (ICT) theme in FP7 is being held in London on 18 July. The event, called ‘
ICT – The Future of EU Collaborative R&D’ is being jointly hosted by the ICT Knowledge Transfer Network (KTN), the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) and the Technology Strategy Board (TSB). With speakers from the European Commission, BIS and the TSB, the sessions will provide an overview of opportunities both in the final round of ICT calls under FP7 and give insight into ICT research under Horizon 2020. The event runs from 10am until 4pm and will be held at the Royal Academy of Engineering. It is free to attend but delegates must register. Info days are a fantastic way to not only hear more detail about a call and its requirements but are a fantastic way to network!