Congratulations to Steve Calver (School of Tourism) for securing funding from the NHS Dorset, Steve Calver and MRG (School of Tourism) for their funding from Bath Preservation Trust and the North Dorset Trailway Network, Joanna Hawkes (School of Tourism) for organising delegates for the courses Level 2 Fitness Instructor Short Course in September 2012 and Level 3 Fitness Training Short Course in October 2013, Steph Farmer (Media School) for successfully securing funding from South West Ambulance Trust Via Capita, Howard Davis and Melanie Klinkner (Business School) for their funding from Nuffield Foundation, Anthea Innes (Health and Social Care) for securing funding from Bournemouth Borough Council, Richard Gordon (School of Tourism) for securing funding from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, John Fletcher (School of Tourism) for the funding he received from the University of Kent, Anthea Innes (Health and Social Care) for securing funding from Bournemouth Borough Council for her Community Dementia Programme, Mark Maltby (ApSci) for his funding from Central Bedfordshire Council, Mark Dover (ApSci) for his funding from Dataloft Ltd, Bronwen Russell and Jonny Monteith (Applied Sciences) for the funding they have received from Reefdene Limited, Forestry Commission and Joanna Scott, David Osselton (Applied Sciences) for the funding received from the South African Police Force.
Good luck to John Stewart (ApSci) for his NERC Grant application, Steve Calver (School of Tourism) in his application for funding from Perth and Kinross Council, Christopher Chapleo and Tim Ford (Business School) in their application for funding from the Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE), Sara Crabtree (Health and Social Care) for her application to ISRF, Zulfiqar Khan (DEC) for his application to EPSRC, Dimitrios Buhalis, Adam Blake and Alan Fyall (School of Tourism) with their EC Tender, Mark Readman (Media School) for his application for funding from Barclays Bank, Eleanor Jack and Louise Worswick (Health and Social Care) for their application to the BUPA Foundation Seedcorn Grant, Gill Jordan (Health and Social Care) for her application to Pulse International, Clive Andrewes and Mary-Ann Robertson (Health and Social Care) for their application to Grapecroft Care Home, Bournemouth Arch (ApSci) for their application to Cerne Historical Society, Ian Swain, Caroline Ellis-Hill and Venky Dubey (DEC) for their application for funding from The Stroke Association, Colin Pritchard and Richard Williams (Health and Social Care) with their tender of the Children’s Commissioner for England, Tilak Ginige (Applied Sciences) for his funding application to HEA thematic workshop and seminar series, Dave Parham (Applied Sciences) for his funding application to Poole Harbour Commissoners, Tim Darvill, Bronwen Russell and Ehren Milner (Applied Sciences) with their funding application to English Heritage.
Best wishes