Congratulations and Good Luck

Ke Rong

July saw an increased level of activity for bids being submitted and awards being won with congratulations due to Schools/Faculty for winning research and consultancy contracts.

For the Business School, congratulations are due to grants academy member Chris Chapleo for his consultancy with Nigel Reed Smith Ltd, to Ke Rong and grants academy member Xiaosong Yang (MS) for their application from the British Academy, to Juliet Memery and Dawn Birch for their contract with the Crown Estate and to David Marshall for his consultancy with New Forest Biscotti.  Good luck to Maurizio Borghi for his application to the AHRC, and to Thanh Huynh for his contract to the Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship.

Luisa Cescutti-Butler

For HSC, congratulations are due to Luisa Cescutti-Butler for her short course with Taunton and Somerset NHS Foundation Trust.  Good luck to Anthea Innes and Fiona Kelly for their application to the Department of Health, to Clive Andrewes for his short course to Fathom Point Limited, to Lee-Ann Fenge for her consultancy to Help and Care, and to Anthea Innes for her application to Dorset County Council for the BSO/BUDI Orchestra.

Tom Watson

For MS, congratulations are due to Jamie Matthews for his application from the Japan Foundation Endowment Committee, to Liam Tomms for his consultancies with WISH (Women in Social Housing) and Grapevine Telecom Ltd, to Stephanie Farmer for her consultancy with Dorset County Council, to Melanie Gray for her consultancy with Grapevine Telecom Ltd, to Tom Watson for his IHPR Conference 2014, and to grants academy member Rebecca Jenkins for her consultancy with Mind Share. Good luck to Richard Southern for his application to the EPSRC to research deriving motor control laws for bipedal locomotion from experimental data, and to Isabella Rega for her application to the Technology Strategy Board.

Kate Welham

For the Faculty of Science and Technology, congratulations are due to Kate Welham for her short course on the Introduction to Near Eastern Archaeology, to Robert Britton for his application to the European Commission Marie Curie Fellowship, to David Parham for his consultancy with Cornwall County Council, to Kathy Hodder for her consultancy with Fieldwork Ecological Services Ltd, to Paul Cheetham, Iain Hewitt, and Miles Russell for their short course on The Big Dig 2014, to Chris Shiel for her consultancy with the Open University, to Genoveva Esteban for her consultancy with Queen Mary University London in connection with public engagement, to Jonathan Monteith for his consultancies with Dartmoor National Park, the Lester Brunt Partnership LLP, Anesco and Bloor Homes Limited, to John Gale for his short course on Time Walkers, and to Adrian Pinder for his consultancy with the Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust. Good luck to Robert Britton for his CASE studentship to NERC, to grants academy member Luciana Slomp Esteves for her application to the British Conference of Undergraduate Research to host their 2017 conference, to Amanda Korstjens for her application to NERC, to Jan Wiener and Anthea Innes (HSC) for their application to the ESRC to research Dementia-friendly architecture, to Katherine Appleton for her application to the BBSRC, to Sarah Bate for her application to the ESRC to research early detection and remediation of developmental prosopagnosia, and to John McAlaney for his consultancy to the West Lothian College.

Image of Dr Heather Hartwell

Heather Hartwell

For ST, congratulations go to Heather Hartwell, Adele Ladkin,  Stephen Page and Ann Hemingway (HSC) for their application to the ESRC to research promotion of wellbeing as a destination resource, to Adam Blake, Steven Richards and grants academy member Neelu Seetaram for their consultancy with Price Waterhouse Coopers LLP, to Jonathan Hibbert for several consultancies with Reading Borough Council, Glasgow Caledonian University, Dorset County Council (two consultancies), Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group (NHS) and The Old Royal Naval College (ORNC), and to grants academy member Alessandro Inversini for his consultancy with Mind Share.