On the 9 September, Daryl Jones, from Altmetric for Institutions (a web-based application for tracking, monitoring and reporting on impact of research outputs) will be here at Bournemouth University to run a demonstration of the application.

Below are the target audiences that this will likely benefit –
- Altmetric for Institutions would be particularly relevant to communications officers, marketing and research administrators, as well as faculty members and librarians would also be potential stake-holders in such a project.
- The demonstration will involve explaining the benefits and uses cases of Altmetric for Institutions, which in broad terms are listed below under the relevant area:
i. Research administrators
· View and analyse the online attention paid to own institution’s research outputs at the institution, department, and author levels.
· Find evidence for institution’s societal impact.
· Compare results from own institution to those of other institutions.
ii. Communications officers
· Assess public engagement and reputation for own institution.
· View and analyse online attention paid to institution’s research outputs.
· Identify key influencers in the community for boosting future engagement
iii. Faculty members
· View and analyse online attention paid to personal or research group/departmental scholarly outputs.
· If involved with promotion and tenure: assess online attention paid to articles for a specific faculty member.
The different types of metrics that the product takes into account (tweets, blog posts, policy documents, news stories, and much more) and how Altmetric for Institutions works with this information to provide a score (in the form of the Altmetric donut) shall be shown.
There is currently an element of Altmetric imbedded within BRIAN. Please do come along to this demonstration to find out more about how Almetric for Institution can help you in managing your research outputs.
The demonstration will take place in EB202, Executive Business Centre, Lansdowne Campus on the 9September, starting at 10.30am (the session will probably last for an hour). If you are interested, or know anyone who will benefit from this demonstration, please do send Peng Peng Hatch an email to express your interest.
Refreshments will also be available on the day.