Innovate UK have launched their delivery plan for 2016/17 .
This includes:
- a new sector focus that is easier for industry, investors and government to work with
- a 5-point plan to underpin activity across these sectors and drive productivity growth
- clearer funding programmes that are easier to navigate
- improvements to the way Innovate UK connects businesses to knowledge and partners
- a stronger regional presence
With evidence of :”focusing ever more closely on scaling up SMEs” …
Clearer sector support has been established and these include four groups:
- emerging and enabling technologies
- health and life sciences
- infrastructure systems
- manufacturing and materials
Funding competitions for businesses are also to be simplified.
There will be 2 broad funding competitions covering each sector group per year, and 2 open competitions for applications from any sector or technology area. There will be other programmes and competitions in partnership with other government organisations.