EHRC Focus groups for Research Staff and Research Staff line managers

As part of BU’s HR Excellence in Research Award process, we are currently evaluating our progress and achievements over the last four years and looking to set our targets and priorities for the next four years. Your feedback on both aspects is essential.

Research Staff

Following the BU Research Staff Survey which took place earlier this year, we invite you to take part in a focus group to capture feedback from you on your experiences as a member of Research Staff at Bournemouth University. We will be holding two events:

Monday 17th October – Talbot Campus 10-11:30 in CREATE LT (Research Staff only)

Wednesday 2nd November – Lansdowne Campus 10-11:30 in EB203 (Research Staff only)


Line Manager of Research Staff

Following the BU Research Staff Survey which took place earlier this year, we invite you to take part in a focus group to capture feedback from you on your experiences as a line manager of a Research Staff member at Bournemouth University. We will be holding an event on:

Monday 17th October – Talbot Campus 12:30-2pm in F110, Fusion Building (Research Staff line managers only)

Please could you confirm if you are able to attend by emailing Rhyannan Hurst.  Tea, Coffee and light refreshments wil be provided!

With best wishes,

Rhyannan Hurst (Finance & Resources Administrator for RKEO)

Tel  : 01202 961511 E-mail :