Are you planning to submit a grant application to NIHR?
We are holding a one-day event in Bournemouth that is aimed at helping you to improve your chances of success.
The morning seminar session is open to anyone to come and hear Simon Goodwin, RfPB Programme Manager for the South West, and RDS advisers give presentations on what makes a good grant proposal. Topics covered will include:
- what does the NIHR (and in particular RfPB) look for?
- the application as a marketing document: selling the topic, selling the method, and selling the team
- the team
- clarity of description and explanation
- feasibility issues
- identifying and avoiding potential pitfalls.
The afternoon support session of one-to-one appointments is for those who would like to discuss their own proposal with an RDS adviser.
This event is FREE and refreshments and lunch will be provided. Places are limited and will be allocated on a ‘first come, first served’ basis. In order to secure your place please register using our online form by 1pm, 18 June 2018. Find out more.
And don’t forget, your local branch of the NIHR Research Design Service is based within the BU Clinical Research Unit (BUCRU) on the 5th floor of Royal London House. Feel free to pop in and see us, call us on 61939 or send us an email.