We are pleased to announce that the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) has awarded us a further five years of funding to continue our work as the RDS South West.
Proposals were invited from NHS organisations and Higher Education Institutions in England with proven expertise in research methodology and design. Ten organisations were successful and the combined Research Design Services will form a national network, liaising with each other to develop a consistent service to the research community across England.
The NIHR funding will allow RDS advisers in the South West to continue offering free and confidential advice, drawing on a unique breadth of experience and established track record in improving funding applications.
We have been funded for the ten years prior to this round of funding and the advice offered by us to researchers represents a key contribution to the NIHR’s commitment to delivery of high quality health and social care research.
Professor Gordon Taylor, Director of NIHR RDS SW, said: “I am delighted that the RDS has received a further five years of funding. We look forward to continuing to support researchers, working in applied health, across the South West of England and to strengthen our engagement with partners in social care.”
Find out more about how we could help you by visiting our website or contacting the RDS South West Bournemouth Office hosted within BUCRU (Bournemouth University Clinical Research Unit):
Bournemouth University
Room R505, Royal London House
Christchurch Road
Dorset, BH1 3LT
Tel: 01202 961939
Email: wardl@bournemouth.ac.uk