With the support from RKEO, BU, as the project coordinator, successfully hosted the EU funded SMOOTH project midterm meeting on 28 June 2018. The EC project officer and about 20 researchers from eight project partners attended the meeting.

The meeting is a huge success and the members of the consortium presented their research work produced so far. The EC officer is very impressed by the project scientific and technology achievements and the quality of the work presented by the project partners. The consortium has already produced many dissemination outputs based on the work from the project and several of impressive tangible demonstrators. The core project international partners have already successfully completed the EU funded RABOT project.
The SMOOTH project aims to develop a novel robot- assisted decision making system in smart firefighting to perform searching and rescuing practice in the fire ground, and to facilitate the decision makings with higher efficiency based on the Cyber Physical Systems concept. The SMOOTH project is closely related to two of BU2025 strategic areas – assistive technology and animation, simulation & visualisation. The project has potential to generate some real impacts to our society and manufacturing industry which can be used for the future REF impact case.