The Research & Knowledge Exchange Framework (RKEDF) is now into its third year. It offers training and development opportunities to academics at all stages of their career, supporting staff to increase their skills, knowledge and capabilities.
The RKEDF offers range of support including sessions for those who are new to research or to BU, for staff who want to further develop their research careers and for people who want to disseminate their research findings or create an impact plan.
The Research Development & Support team are currently planning activities and sessions for the 2019/20 programme of events and would like to hear your ideas and suggestions. What’s worked well? What would you change? Are there any other sessions or training materials you’d like to see included? We’d like to hear both from people who have engaged with the RKEDF and those who haven’t.
Tell us what you think via our survey and be in with a chance of winning one of three £20 Amazon vouchers. The deadline date is Friday 15 March.