#TalkBU with Darren Lilleker

We will be joined by Darren Lilleker at Februarys #TalkBU session, who will be discussing fake news and social media manipulation!

‘Whether Trump, Brexiteers, Remainers, Russian bots or Dubious Corporations, those who make up stories to sell us a product or an idea are many and various.

In this talk, Darren Lilleker will be discussing how what is known as ‘fake news’ can cause topics to trend, careers to be made and damaged and elections to be won and lost. Come along and be prepared to think and maybe talk about your own web surfing behaviour and the ways you have been or might be manipulated.’

The first session of 2019 is being held in FG04, 2-3pm on the 21st February, with lunch provided! You can register for free tickets here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/talkbu-with-darren-lilleker-tickets-55344327373