The following events are coming up this month. These are all online events.
Wednesday 11th November 10:00 – 11:00
British Academy Newton International Fellowships – Information Session This session provides support for preparing an application to the British Academy Newton International Fellowships. Potential BU mentors and international candidates are welcomed. You will gain an understanding of the Newton International Fellowship Scheme, and it’s aims and objectives. Support will be provided for those considering applying, but this is also suitable for those who are not sure if this is the right fund to apply to. |
Wednesday 11th November 15:00 – 16:00 – ECR Network Meeting
Calling all ECRs, this is an opportunity to meet other Early Career Researchers and to get advice and support for any research-related queries and concerns. |
Monday 16th November 10:00 – 12:00
Enhancing research impact: understanding and navigating bibliometrics Bibliometric analysis uses data to measure the “output” of individuals, research teams, institutions etc., and it is increasingly being used to assess the “impact” of research in order to evaluate and quantify it. This session will cover how research impact is measured, how you can maximise it, and the role of social media in promoting research. |
Tuesday 17th November 10:00 – 12:00 – Navigating the Ethics Checklist
This workshop is designed to assist Researchers in the process of obtaining ethical approval. The review and approval process will be discussed, including how risk is identified. What makes a good an application and how to create and submit an online ethics checklist. |
Wednesday 18th November 10:30 – 15:00 – UK Research Office Update
This event is comprised of a number of sessions: · UK Participation in Horizon 2020. An update on Horizon Europe developments · H2020 Evaluation process and proposal writing hints and tips – session for PIs involved in the Green Deal Call proposal submission · H2020 implementation matters – informal session with post-award team (based on questions submitted in advance) · 1-1 sessions if time allows For further information and to book, contact Ablaudums@bournemouth.ac.uk |
Thursday 19th November 10:00 – 11:00 – Royal Society Overview
This workshop will provide important information for potential applicants applying to the Royal Society, including tips on applying that will increase the likelihood of success. |
Wednesday 25th November 10:00 – 11:00
Leverhulme Early Career Fellowships Information Session This workshop will provide important information for potential applicants applying to this external funding call, including tips on applying that will increase the likelihood of success. |
To book, please email OD@bournemouth.ac.uk with evidence of approval from your Head of Department or Deputy Head of Department.
You can see all the Organisational Development and Research Knowledge Development Framework (RKEDF) events in one place on the handy calendar of events.
If you have any queries, please get in touch!