FMC research process seminar this Tuesday. Classifying Emotions in Images: Humans versus Computers. All welcome

In the FMC Research Process Seminar Series, this week we welcome Dr Michael Bossetta, Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication and Media at Lund University.

His talk is on: “Classifying Emotions in Images: Humans versus Computers” which should be of interest to many colleagues from across disciplines. Summary below:

There seems to be a renewed interest in emotions from political and communication scholars. In this talk, I’ll provide examples of existing approaches to study emotions, as well as my experiences using computer vision to classify emotions in politicians’ social media images. That entails, first, discussing how to manage, sort, and deduplicate thousands of images. Then, I’ll show examples of where computer vision performs well and poorly. I’ll also share some preliminary results into how computers stack up against human judgements of emotions. In wrapping up, the strengths and weaknesses of applying computer vision for emotions research will be discussed.

Tuesday 23 November at 2pm on Zoom.

Meeting ID: 929 210 3478

Passcode: rps!4fmc

These seminars are approx 60 mins long and are focussed on the process of doing research – with the aim of sharing good practice and making us better researchers.

All welcome

Hope to see you there

Dan Jackson and Sae Oshima