Photo by Martin Wilner on Unsplash
Inspire Fund offers grants of up to £25,000 for projects
Alzheimer’s Research UK (ARUK) is offering funding to support public engagement projects that engage with underserved audiences on the topic of dementia, and meet one or more of the following criteria:
- Building knowledge and engaging the public with the topic of brain health.
- Engaging and creating dialogue with people about the progress being made in biomedical dementia research.
- Highlighting the value of research volunteers and reducing barriers to research participation.
The scheme is open to those with the ideas, passion and ability to realise innovative public engagement projects on the topic of dementia. Applicants are encouraged to forge links with communities, collaborators or groups to strengthen ideas, and ARUK will be facilitating relationship-building during the application process.
Information webinar and event from ARUK
If you are interested in applying, you are encouraged to join ARUK’s information webinar at 11am Thursday 30 June and for their Speed Networking Event at 11am on Thursday 7 July. These events will help you find out more about the scheme, as well as meeting potential partners for your project.
You do not need to have a fully formed proposal to submit an expression of interest but should outline what you would like to do, the purpose or need for it, the outcomes you want to achieve, and what partners or expertise you are seeking to be able to deliver it.
You can find out more about the Inspire fund on their website, with details of eligibility, the application process and expression of interest form, frequently asked questions and previous Inspire Fund projects.
Deadlines & BU support
Because this is a funded position, RDS will need to treat your application the same way we would for any grant bid. To that end, we look forward to receiving completed e-ITBs by Thursday 7 July.
The ARUK deadline for expressions of interest is: 5pm on Thursday 4 August 2022.
You are also advised to consult with the Public Engagement with Research (PER) team in RDS to discuss your application – you can book a 1-2-1 appointment here with Adam Morris, Engagement Officer.