The Doctoral College are pleased to announce the imminent introduction of ProGRess the new research degree progression monitoring system.
ProGRess will go live in the next few weeks. The new improved online system will be replacing ResearchPAD and will be available to postgraduate researchers (PGRs), supervisors, and administrators.
The benefits of the new system include:
- Integrated progress documents and status forms with key details pre-populated
- Automatic email reminders to PGRs, supervisors, and academics involved in the process
- Automatic recalculation of milestone dates in case of any changes
- Greater reporting functionality.
What is happening to ResearchPAD?
IT Services will migrate all user data from ResearchPAD to ProGRess. The date for this will be selected to limit any potential impact and IT Services will work diligently to make the transition as smooth as possible. Once all migration and archive activities are successfully completed, ResearchPAD will be permanently decommissioned.
What next?
PGRs and supervisors, please keep an eye on your email for updates and important information leading up to ProGRess going live including details on how to access the system, user guides and training sessions.
In the interim, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Many thanks
The Doctoral College