The RKEDF and BU ECRN are delighted to offer funding (up to £500) to organise an event, roundtable, meeting, training, or workshop in support of research at BU.
This funding supports BU Early Career Researcher Network members to organise and facilitate an event that can be thematic, subject/discipline based, foster community engagement, knowledge exchange or networking and does the following;
– Brings ECRs and others together to share ideas, knowledge and learning.
– Provides a space for intellectual discussion.
– Helps to facilitate collaboration and future opportunities.
– Enables an opportunity for networking.
– Please note all requests are subject to approval by the RKDEF Team and must be made at least 3 weeks in advance of the event date. No reimbursements for payments will be made without prior authorisation from the team.
– All expenses must be paid by the end of the BU financial year (July 2024)
– You will need to receive written confirmation from RKDEF that your request has been successful before you can proceed with organising the event.
– The event cannot have taken place prior to submitting your application.
Eligible costs
- Event space
- Travel bursaries for attendees
- Catering and refreshments (Tea, Coffee, Water, Light snacks, Lunch)
- Av (projector, screen, laptop, tech support on the day, microphones)
- Printing costs (meeting handouts)
- Speaker fee (up to £500)
Ineligible Costs
- Software or hardware.
- International event, speaker, or travel costs.
- Costs for dependants or spouses to attend events.
- Research costs.
How to apply:
Please download and complete all sections of the EOI for BU ECRN Funding (500 words max per section) and email your completed application to: RKEDF@bournemouth.ac.uk by 26th April 2024. Successful applicants will be notified by 1st May 2024.
If you have any questions or queries, please contact BU ECRN Academic Leads Ann Hemingway (aheming@bournemouth.ac.uk) and Sam Goodman (sgoodman@bournemouth.ac.uk) or RKDEF Advisor Joelle Fallows (jfallows@bournem