Dr. Catalin Brylla has successfully completed the first stage of his British Academy-funded project Blindness and Media Engagement – A Model for Improving Wellbeing through Research and Intervention. The lives of blind people have been negatively affected by social exclusion, as well as the sensory challenges of having impaired vision. This project explores the engagement with digital media for improving physical, psychological, social and economic wellbeing in the visually impaired community.
Mapping the Field of Media Engagement
The team held two, in-person knowledge exchange workshops with the partners in order to introduce the team and the project’s objectives, as well as to discuss the role of digital media and wellbeing in the VI community. The main aim was to hear about lived experiences of creating and consuming media. They discussed social and personal barriers to media engagement, as well as how active media use can improve the lives of visually impaired people. They linked these insights to the partners’ agendas, their current and past media initiatives and their existing resources. This helped tentatively identifying opportunities and strategies for co-designing media engagement training for their members.

The full project team consists of:
- Dr. Catalin Brylla – Principal Lecturer in Film and TV (Principal Investigator), Bournemouth University
- Professor Anica Zeyen – Professor in Entrepreneurship and Sustainability, Royal Holloway, University of London (Co-Investigator)
- Dr. Jessica Hayton – Associate Professor in Psychology, University College London (Co-Investigator)
- Dr. Ibrahim Emara – Lecturer in Journalism, Tamta University (Co-Investigator)
- Dr Angharad Butler-Rees – Research Fellow, University of Birmingham (PDRA)
- Dr. Kate Jupp – Public Involvement Officer, Bournemouth University