Our latest CMWH newsletter (autumn 2024 edition) is out now. Click here! This edition includes news items and stories related the successes of CMWH staff and students. For example, about Drs. Dominique Mylod and Daisy Wiggins who both secured innovative NIHR funding for undergraduate student internships. Or about the recently awarded National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) funding for ‘INSIGHT: Inspiring Students into Research’. This innovative three-year programme started this summer as part of the NIHR Academy’s portfolio of career support for health and social care professionals. The programme supports the NIHR aim to develop a highly skilled research workforce capable of advancing the best research which improves health and care, and benefits society and the economy.
There is also an item on the importance of humour to stimulate interest and engagement with taboo women’s health topics. CMWH’s Rosie Harper, a PhD researcher and pelvic floor physiotherapist at University Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trust has led a study with comedian and women’s health physiotherapist Elaine Miller and the results were published in Health Expectations. Elaine’s Instagram campaign ran daily for 3 months @gusset_grippers. And there are many more stories and announcements. The editors would like to thank Abier Hamidi for her excellent editorial support!