BU leading economist Professor received exclusive preview for top new EBRD transition report release and same day launch invite

BU Economics professor received intriguing email – Read the report then watch the launch of our latest Transition Report live!

Special Invite From: European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

Watch the launch live online! Navigating Industrial Policy EBRD Transition Report 2024/2025
www.youtube.com/live/jrTqDu9FFAI broadcast from 16.00 – 1730, Canary Wharf, London (26 November) with over 150 participants attending the prestigious launch event live online link up.

The EBRD transition reports are one of the leading rigorous gold standard sources that are well read reporting tools for financial economists, investment market, media, economic departments, universities, researchers and policy makers worldwide.

The launch discussion was moderated by Richard Porter, EBRD Managing Director of Communications, featured:
Joseph Stiglitz, Nobel laureate in economics and Professor at Columbia University. USA link up.
Rana Foroohar, global business columnist and associate editor at the Financial Times
Jeromin Zettelmeyer, Director of Bruegel, the European Union’s economic think tank
Beata Javorcik, EBRD Chief Economist

“In a world of rapid geopolitical and economic shifts, the discussion on industrial policy has never been more critical. This report takes an extensive look at industrial policies in the EBRD regions and beyond. Such policies, which are aimed at changing the sectoral composition of production in an economy, have seen a resurgence in recent years, seeking to address increasingly pressing market failures such as environmental degradation.” EBRD 2024

“Their track record is mixed, with their growing popularity being shaped primarily by domestic political economy considerations and rising geopolitical tensions. While industrial policies are typically employed by higher-income economies, they are also being seen more frequently in economies with less administrative and fiscal capacity to implement them.” EBRD 2024

Other attendance highlights included discussions on: implications of the president-elect Trump of USA and his concerning new tarifs to hike imports into USA from rest of world, with implications for costs, trade wars and economic growth, likely to impact economic growth especially for large exporters to USA such as Canada, China, parts of Europe like UK; that sustainability should include the word environment; furthermore that since GFC 2008/9 majority of special economic zones had seen flattening of exports, FDI and productivity (especially related to manufacturing sector), whereas some areas in south east Europe/Asia borders had seen an upturn and what factors determine achieving this?

Professor Dr Jens Hölscher has published in over 140 academic publications and is a leading economist and spokesperson for Bournemouth University for multi-media, media interviews and broadcasts on Economic and Finance matter e.g. Bank of England comment