The Research Photography Competition is run annually and gives academics and postgraduate research students the chance to work alongside undergraduates to tell the story of their research in an image.
Voting is nearly over for the this Competition! We have had some great entries this years competition, ranging from images of Nepal to microscopic organisms.
If you would like to have your say on who wins, then you can either vote on the research website or on Facebook.
Please feel free to come along to the awards event which be will held on the 4th of February from 2pm till 3pm, where the winners will be announced by John Fletcher. (P.S There will be free food and drink!). All entries will be kept on display in the Atrium Art Gallery from the 4th of February for two weeks
If you would like to view the entries from last years competition, you can view them here.
If you have any questions about the competition or the exhibition, please contact Oliver Cooke.