The theme
of the 31st International Human Sciences Research Conference was ‘Renewing the Encounter between the Human Sciences, the Arts & the Humanities.’ Professors Les Todres and Kate Galvin presented one of four keynote addresses on their Dwelling-Mobility theory of Wellbeing. They illustrated their theory with film clips, poetry, and phenomenological-reflective writing. A video of their talk can be viewed in due course on the conference website. BU was further represented by two staff members and one PhD student: Caroline Ellis-Hill from the School of Health and Social Care, presented her research on ‘caring following a stroke’; Sean Beer from the School of Tourism presented data and analysis from his studies on experiences that shaped peoples’ perceptions of what made food and drink authentic to them; and Regina Hess, a PhD student, spoke poetically of the survival of the 2004 Asian Tsunami. This interdisciplinary conference will be held next year in Denmark.