Over the last week, the ‘Sustainable Green Toilet Project’ has begun in Kenya, where excavations have been completed and foundations are now being built. Bournemouth University Research Associate Katie Thompson from the Department of Life and Environmental Sciences (SciTech) is working alongside ACEF (Akamba Children’s Education Fund) charity volunteers and this plumber Sydney to build the new toilet facility for 800 school children who attend and live at the Brainhouse Academy, in Nairobi, Kenya.
The newer, cleaner toilet facilities will feature a bio digester energy recovery system producing biogas for the school and liquid fertiliser. Innovative research will also be investigated into at this location, including utilising energy from microbial life forms to generate electricity. Katie and the students will be travelling to Kenya in March this year to continue to work on the project. Their work is part of the re-designed Wessex Portal http://www.wessexportal.co.uk/
If you would like to know more about the project and keep up to date with any progress, then follow our blog via: www.wessexportal.co.uk or contact Katie Thompson on thompsonk@bournemouth.ac.uk or Genoveva Esteban gesteban@bournemouth.ac.uk.