Tagged / RPMC

Deadline today: Research funding panels – call for Chairs and Deputy Chairs

Today (Wednesday 19 December at 5pm) is the deadline for expressions of interest from the professoriate to act as Chairs / Deputy Chairs for the new Funding Panels:

  • Acorn Funding Panel
  • Charity Impact Funding Panel
  • Doctoral Studentship Funding Panel
  • GCRF Funding Panel
  • HEIF Funding Panel
  • Research Impact Funding Panel

In line with our organisational value of inclusivity, we particularly welcome female applicants and those from an ethnic minority, as they are often under-represented within BU management committees.

Full details are available on the Staff Intranet – https://staffintranet.bournemouth.ac.uk/news/news/thismonth/researchfundingpanelscallformembers.php