Tagged / strategic advise network

Recruitment of EPSRC Strategic Advice Network (SAN) Members

The Strategic Advisory Network provides the EPSRC Executive with strategic advice to develop and implement plans and to make appropriate recommendations to EPSRC Council.  The Network is a flexible resource, enabling the Executive to obtain the advice required in a timely fashion, drawing on a range of perspectives from across EPSRC’s key stakeholder groups including academia, business, third sector and Government.

This advice stream has increased relevance to EPSRC as it transforms to form part of the newly created UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) organisation. EPSRC will need ever more timely advice in order to adapt and react to the new landscape, funding streams and in preparing a new Strategic Delivery plan (as required under the Higher Education and Research Act 2017).

EPSRC is seeking applications from respected industrialists, academics and from individuals working in the third sector and government organisations to join our Strategic Advisory Network.

They are looking to recruit around 8 new members in this exercise. Through this exercise, they have a particular aspiration to improve the diversity of the Network.

The terms of reference of the SAN are published on the EPSRC web site.

More information on the application process can be found on the EPSRC website.