UKWaterResearchDirectory: An online directory of UK researchers has just been developed to support the Living With Environmental Change (LWEC) UK Water Research and Innovation Framework (UKWRIF) and the UK Natural Environment Research Council’s (NERC) Water Security Knowledge Exchange Programme (WSKEP). It covers all disciplines with interests in water and could be used to find partners for EU funded, and other, projects. Researchers who are not already on the database can add their details. It is also possible to keep up to date with additions and updates by subscribing to a mailing list. The main purpose of the Directory is to improve the ease by which government and industry can find research skills that they may be interested in, trade associations knowing who to invite to meetings/workshops for their members, and for the research community to have a better way of finding complementary research partners. The database has only just been launched and still being actively populated with researchers. It is also possible to keep up to date with additions and updates by subscribing to a mailing list. If so, you will receive no more than one update email per month.
- climate variability and its impact on social and economic systems, including adaptation strategies and mechanisms;
- adaptation measures with a wide multidisciplinary nature with regard to development interventions;
- natural hazards (climate extremes) and their impact on society from the regional, national and global points of view;
- research methods oriented to mitigate vulnerability of society and improve its resilience towards climatic extremes, natural hazards and environmental risks;
- environmental limits of social and economic development from the environmental geography perspective;
- climate change and its impact on migration and environmental security;
- environmental changes (risks) and their impact on population processes, theoretical conceptualisation, drawing case studies;
- estimates of people vulnerable to climate variability carried out on the basis of climate modeling and simulations (regional and nation-wide level);
- analysis of the the relationship between the environment, economic growth, financial flows and population aspect (migration and development);
- relationships and impacts of interactions between the environment and society and the reflection of theoretical trends of environmental sociology;
- dissemination of environmental risks and understanding interest groups’ standpoints with regard to environmental risks (climate change);
- analysis and evaluation of economic benefits of adaptation strategies in selected sectors and applying suitable methods for optimal combination of these measures; and
- analysis of adaptation measures in bioenergy and agricultural sectors.