The Wellcome Trust’s People and Society Awards are aimed at enabling the public to explore biomedical science – including its history, how it shapes culture and society and the implications that it has for ethics. The awards represent a significant commitment to public engagement in biomedical science and are open to a wider range of people, including academics and practitioners.
The People Awards, for up to and including £30,000, fund small to medium sized one-off projects. The next deadline is 27th July, 2012. The Society Awards, above £30,000, are intended to scale-up People Awards or provide funding for larger projects that seek to engage an audience across the UK. There is a deadline for a themed call (and this year it is Health in a Changing World) on 5th October, 2012.
Much more detail about the awards can be found on the Wellcome Trust’s website.
If you are considering making an application, please do contact Becca Edwards (redwards@bournemouth.ac.uk / 01202 961206) for further support.