Transnational Tourism Products Based on Cultural and Industrial Heritage: DG Enterprise and Industry, has launched a call for proposals with a deadline of 28.09.12 for the provision of co-operation projects to create transnational tourism products based on cultural and industrial heritage. The final goal of the present call for proposals is to complement regional and national policies by supporting transnational cooperation and joint initiatives aiming at designing innovative transnational products in the fields of cultural and/or industrial tourism, with a view to:
- Contributing to differentiate the European tourism offer by capitalising on and giving value to the shared cultural heritage; and
- Contributing to economic regeneration and job creation in declining (post) industrial regions through interregional and transnational cooperation projects in the field of tourism.
Mental Health in the Workplace: DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, has published a call for tenders for the provision of a study on mental health in the workplace with a deadline of 24.08.12. The study envisaged under this call for tenders has three main objectives:
- To provide the European Commission with information on the situation in the EU and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) countries of Mental Health in the workplace. This will require an in depth checking of the current EU legal framework on workers health and safety protection;
- To develop a range of scenarios, and identify the pros and cons of each with the ultimate objective of providing a robust information base on which the Commission may rely in order to consider policy options aiming to ensure that workers are effectively protected from risks to their mental health arising from workplace related conditions and/or factors; and
- Produce a guidance document to help employers and workers alike fulfil their obligations and to include mental health considerations in occupational safety and health implementation.
Digital Agenda for Europe – Engagement for Growth and Jobs: DG Information and Society, has published a call for tenders regarding the Digital Agenda for Europe and the engagement for growth and jobs. The overall purpose of this call for tenders is to mobilise efforts and stimulate commitment around the use of ICT to deliver growth and jobs in Europe and to promote the digital single market. Deadline 19.08.12
International Dimension and Impact of Globalisation: DG Enterprise and Industry, has published a call for tenders regarding the international dimension and the impact of globalisation. The objective of this service contract is to study the international dimension of the e-skills strategy (especially the efforts to promote ICT professionalism) and to assess the impact of globalisation on high-level e-skills requirements (ICT practitioners’ skills and e-leadership skills), as well as to analyse major policy initiatives and best practices in the world. This should help to understand better the international dimension of e-skills in order to better anticipate change, envisage possible future co-operation and improve efforts to develop e-skills for Europe. Deadline 28.09.12