Congratulations to Alessandro Inversini (School of Tourism) for securing funding from the EC Lifelong Learning Programme, Mark Dover (Applied Sciences) for securing funding from Dataloft, Phillipa Gillingham (Applied Sciences) for her funding from the Environment Agency, Bronwen Russell and Jonny Monteith (Applied Sciences) for their funding from the East Coker Preservation Trust, Martin Smith (Applied Sciences) for running the Temporary Mortuary short course to cover Mass Graves Cancellation, David Osselton (Applied Sciences) for running the Forensics for Lawyers short course series.
Good luck to Anthea Innes (Health and Social Care) for her application to the TSB KTP, Jonathan Parker (Health and Social Care) for his application to the Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation, Genoveva Esteban (Applied Sciences) for her application to Sempcorp, Roger Herbert (Applied Sciences) for his application to the Joint Nature Conservation Committee.
Best wishes