Anybody been to Prison?

I mean in the capacity of a researcher or simialr? Why… because in a final year option I teach called Scoail Communication I am organising a student visit to Dorset based Prisons (Dorchester and Portland)as part of an assessed project. I have the ‘bones’ of the project idea but wondered if others might be able to share brief thoughts on what might be a fruitful angle(s) to take linking prisons to communication issues around marginality and voicelessness – cheers

3 Responses to “Anybody been to Prison?”

  1. Ellie Smith

    Hi – not sure if this is helpful, but I ran a research project a few years ago through the organisation I then worked for (the Medical Foundation for the Care of Victims of Torture) where we got doctors inside asylum detention facilities and removal centres (including Belmarsh) to medically document asylum seekers who had been assaulted/harmed by security staff during attempted removals from the UK. All sorts of communication problems in terms of hearing about assaults/referrals, access and language. Happy to discuss further if helpful.

    • Richard Scullion

      Many thanks I will take a look at the stuff you have posted and may give you a call off line, again thanks.

  2. Matthew Bennett

    We have been talking to the guys at HMP Verne, Portland over the summer about a range of interactions, if these contacts are of use to you, please get in touch