Fusion Investment Fund Supported Exploration to Western China

The project supported by BU fusion investment fund has enabled us to establish a strategic partnership between the National Centre for Computer Animation, Bournemouth University and the School of Information and Software Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Engineering of China (UESTC). The UESTC is located in Chengdu, one of the largest cities in Western China. Such a relationship with a top ranked University in China benefits BU’s international strategy and boosts its influence to China, which is a fast growing market for international student recruitment.

The execution of the project has led to a range of successful networking activities including multi-disciplinary knowledge exchange and strategic meetings on the collaboration of two universities at different levels. Three bi-laterals visits took place: a group of UESTC delegates’ visit to BU led by Prof. Zhiguang Qin from China in January, 2013; Prof. Jian J. Zhang’s visit to UESTC in April, 2013; and Dr. Jian Chang’s visit to UESTC in May, 2013. During the visits, two research workshops were held at BU and UESTC respectively where new ideas were discussed on research collaboration and effective cross-disciplinary knowledge exchange, with focus on computer animation; distribute computing and social network computing.

The activities have been mapped to BU’s strategic international development, in particular to the development of long-term and self-sustainable relationships with universities in China. The initiated activities will further lead to multi-disciplinary research collaboration between both institutions and international student recruitment.