How can you maximise your chances of being successful in applying for funding for impact and engagement activities? After reading the guidance, you might want to consider what the reviewers are being advised to look for.
The AHRC Follow On Funding for Impact and Engagement Scheme is targeted at Research Council-funded academics who wish to engage in an innovative and creative way with new and exciting audiences. Awards are made for those knowledge exchange, public engagement, dissemination, and commercialisation activities that you realised were a great idea either during or after the end of the project. If you are interested in applying to the AHRC scheme – or indeed an alternative, similar scheme, there are a few key points you might want to consider:
* Does the proposal relate to exciting and unanticipated ways of having an impact outside of the academic world?
* Does the project intend to create and facilitate creative engagement and joint working between research and user communities? These could include business, commercial, third and heritage sectors or voluntary and community groups.
* Does the project obviously evolve from the impact you have already had for this project? Is there a clear need for the activity?
* Will this type of activity definitely enhance value and impact?
* Are users engaged and does an exchange of knowledge take place?
* Is the proposal innovative and creative?
* What is the long-term impact of the activity? Is it sustainable? How far will the impact spread?
So now you know what reviewers are looking for, maximising the possibility that you’ll be successful with a bid for impact and engagement activities. Good luck!