Mahmood Hosseini, a first-year SciTec PhD student, was recently successful in securing a BU Graduate School Santander Scholarship Award with a total value of £2,500.
This Santander grant will provide Mahmood with the unique opportunity to visit four research groups in Software Engineering across Europe: the Open University in the UK, Polytechnic University of Valencia in Spain, IT University of Copenhagen in Denmark, and Utrecht University in Netherlands.
Mahmood is currently working on setting up a framework for acquiring and studying users’ feedback in software systems with an eye on the quality of the obtained information. These four visits will allow Mahmood to present his work and interact with scholars in these four groups and do joint work especially in the areas of requirements engineering, model-driven development, and utilizing crowdsourcing to involve a broader assembly of users to play an active role in contributing knowledge useful to evolve software.
Mahmood’s research is part of the SOCIAD project, funded by an FP7 Marie Curie CIG grant and Bournemouth University, and his supervisory team consists of Dr. Raian Ali, Prof. Keith Phalp and Associated Prof. Jacqui Taylor.

If you have any comments, or would like to contact Mahmood, please contact him at: mhosseini@bournemouth.ac.uk