It is now two weeks since I joined BU. First, I would like to say thank you for the extremely warm welcome I have received from everyone I have met. For me it is both a privilege and pleasure to have become part of such a vibrant team.
As some of you will know, I am a marine scientist and have research interests in reproduction of marine invertebrates and aquatic invasive species. I have joined BU from Newcastle University where I had been Director of the Dove Marine Laboratory and Acting Head of School of Marine Science and Technology.
I have been fortunate to have joined Bournemouth at a time when it is embracing its Fusion agenda and at the beginning of the next REF cycle looking forwards to 2020. This makes us well placed to drive forward our research, alongside delivering excellence in learning and teaching and engagement with business and industry.
As a passionate teacher, I recognise the importance of maintaining a close relationship between research and teaching and will work closely with the other Deputy Dean, Keith Phalp to ensure this happens.
Delivering our research innovation into the wider community, whether to industry, business or society for the benefit of all will see BU grow in reputation both nationally and globally. I look forward to working with you to increase both the volume and quality of our research through strategic research and in discovery science.
I hope to meet more of you in the very near future.
Best wishes, Matt