Can you convey your research through an image? We are looking for academics and postgraduates to tell the story of their research through a photograph, which can be used to inspire current BU undergraduates.
Images will be showcased on the BU website in early 2015, where students and staff alike will be able to vote to choose their favourite images. The top 10 will be displayed across campus in April 2015.
Step 1: Take your photo!
You can be as creative as you like in capturing the essence of your research. You could take a photo of your research in progress, showing how it is developed. Or you could focus on the people involved – the people behind the research, or the people benefitting from it. Unusual or artistic images are also encouraged!
Step 2: Submit your photo
Send your photo, along with a 100 – 200 word description of your research to by 31st January 2015.
If you need inspiration, take a look at this link for The University of Manchester’s Images of Research competition:
Not only will your image help to inspire the next generation of researchers, but it will also give you an opportunity to find out about other areas of research going on across the university.
If you have any questions, please contact me on