Highlights from the World Confederation of Physical Therapy Congress, Singapore, May 2015


Around 3400 delegates from all over the world gathered in Singapore at the start of May for the World Confederation for Physical Therapy Congress.  With an impressive 572 platform presentations, 1,578 poster sessions, and 36 networking sessions there was certainly plenty of opportunity to be informed and stimulated by new ideas.


Three representatives attended from Bournemouth University (Judith Chapman, Carol Clark and Clare Farrance) who presented some of their current research (8 papers) around reflective practice, chronic pain, joint hyper-mobility and physical activity.  Clare commented that sharing research around these areas provided “a great opportunity to see where our research at BU sits within the clinical and academic physiotherapy situation worldwide”.


Other highlights included learning more about educational approaches for undergraduate students, the use of integrating technology to support people with long-term conditions, furthering international relationships and collaborations, and of course the amazing array of food in Singapore (including the chilli crab!).


Many thanks to the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences and Santander PGR Mobility Awards for funding to make attendance at this valuable conference possible.