Across England, local authorities are asking questions about how they can redesign services, save money and drive local economic growth.
- How many people will need adult social care services in 5 years time?
- Which children are most likely to enter the care system and what support might prevent this happening?
- How can traffic flows, public transport, cycle lanes and town centres be optimised to help local businesses to grow?
- Which households are most likely to fall into council tax arrears?
- How can money be saved on refuse collection by only emptying bins when they are full?
- How effective are local authority commissioned services at delivering positive social outcomes?
Nesta’s new research programme – the Local Datavores – aims to help local authorities use data better.
Nesta are always keen to hear from people working on data projects in local authorities and related organisations. If you would like to be involved in the research, or have heard about or been involved in any pioneering data science projects, please get in touch at tom.symons@nesta.org.uk