27th June 2016 14:00-16:00
Talbot Campus
In the week that sees the publication of the White Paper and the Queen’s speech, issues of widening participation and education equity seem even more topical than ever.
BU’s programme of Fair Access Research seeks to create a culture of widening participation through working and learning together.
As part of BU’s Festival of Learning, our Fair Access Researchers will be facilitating a workshop exploring educational disadvantage in the region.
Bournemouth, Poole and surrounding region face significant challenges when it comes to supporting those most in need to access and succeed in education. These challenges are being tackled by dedicated experts working hard to support disadvantaged learners to engage in a variety of education settings.
The event will be held on Monday 27 June 2016 between 14:00-16:00 in the new FUSION BUILDING, TALBOT CAMPUS.
We are inviting experts working in the field of education and equality to come together and share experiences and skills to find sustainable solutions to the region’s major education challenges.
We want grassroots solutions to grassroots challenges facing the region. This approach will enable targeted and tailored responses that work with the unique challenges of education and social justice in a diverse rural and coastal region.
In this innovative two-hour workshop, we will work together to find sustainable solutions to the question:
“What are the challenges and opportunities for disadvantaged students to access education in the region?”
This workshop is about active participation by all those involved and collectively developing grassroots solutions. By taking part, you will be helping to build a community to turn challenges and barriers into opportunities and bridges.
We want you to be involved and to shape how our responses! So, please share with your colleagues and networks so that we can have a broad range of participants. We are particularly interested in learning from the expertise and experiences of:
- Pupil premium leads
- Further education practitioners
- Youth workers
- Community educators and activists
- Special Education Co-ordinators
It is through working together and learning with each other that we can help make regional education opportunities more accessible and more sustainable.
To book a place, click here.
To express an interest in participating in the workshop or find out more about the session or BU’s unique Fair Access Research project email Julie Atherton on athertonj@bournemouth.ac.uk