The Home Office, through the Joint Security and Resilience Centre, invites responses for its call on challenge project. This aims to capture strategical and tactical barriers which inhibit the security sector and develop project work against proposed solutions. Projects must provide demonstrable effort towards at least one of the following:
•deliver a joint response to the UK’s national security challenges;
•drive the delivery of the right solutions;
•growth of the security sector.
Suggestions for future areas of research are welcome.
10 awards, each worth between approximately £25,000 and £50,000, are available.
Click here for more information including how to apply.
Closing deadline is 22 January 2017.
If you are interested in submitting to this call you must contact your RKEO Funding Development Officer with adequate notice before the deadline.
For more funding opportunities that are most relevant to you, you can set up your own personalised alerts on Research Professional. If you need help setting these up, just ask your School’s/Faculty’s Funding Development Officer in RKEO or view the recent blog post here.
If thinking of applying, why not add notification of your interest on Research Professional’s record of the bid so that BU colleagues can see your intention to bid and contact you to collaborate.